Exploring Urban Permaculture Education in Split: A Journey of Connection, Innovation, and Community

In early June 2024, our project team had the pleasure of gathering in the picturesque city of Split, Croatia, to reflect on the progress of our urban permaculture initiative and strategize the next steps. Over three enriching days, we immersed ourselves in a blend of thoughtful discussions, hands-on experiences, and vibrant local culture, all while deepening our connection with permaculture principles.

Day 1: Building Bonds and Exploring Permaculture

Our first day unfolded in the inspiring setting of Dom Mladih, nestled in the heart of Split. This space served as a perfect backdrop for a day filled with engaging conversations and lively activities. The focus of the day was on deepening our understanding of permaculture and how it can be applied in urban settings. Through fun and interactive games, we explored key permaculture principles and how they could be integrated into our educational initiatives. The day culminated in a delightful communal dinner, where we shared not only food but also ideas and stories, fostering a sense of community and collaboration.

Day 2: Showcasing Innovation in Education

Day two was all about innovation and creativity in permaculture education. We began with an exciting presentation of our newly developed e-platform, designed to empower high school teachers in delivering engaging permaculture lessons and workshops. The presentation sparked a series of in-depth discussions on how to optimize the platform’s technical and visual aspects, ensuring it is both user-friendly and impactful.

After a morning of productive brainstorming, we took time to appreciate the natural beauty of Split. A leisurely walk around Marjan and a visit to a local urban garden community showcased the power of communal spaces in fostering a shared love for gardening and sustainability. Our day concluded with a visit to a school where Permaculture Dalmacija has successfully integrated permaculture practices into their curriculum. This two-year project stands as a testament to the potential of permaculture education in nurturing young minds.

Day 3: Celebrating Success and Reflecting on the Future

Our final day started at Braca Radic High School in Kastel, where we were welcomed into their lush garden and greenhouses. We marveled at the diverse plant species cultivated by the students and teachers, a living example of the principles we advocate. Back in the school library, we continued our discussions, focusing on digital tools that can aid teachers in permaculture education. The day ended with an evaluation session, where we shared our experiences and the moments that left the most significant impressions.

We wrapped up our time in Split with a visit to Nove Starine, an inspiring eco-project led by Ivan, dedicated to nature preservation and artistic expression. This visit was a fitting end to our journey, leaving us all with a renewed sense of purpose and excitement for the future of our project.


Spotlight on Split's Green Spaces: A Model for Civic Participation

As part of our urban permaculture training, we were fortunate to explore three unique examples of green spaces in Split that exemplify civic engagement:

1. School Garden of OŠ Skalice: This multifunctional garden serves students, teachers, the neighborhood, and local associations. It features an outdoor classroom, orchard, vegetable garden, and picnic area, demonstrating how a well-designed space can cater to diverse community needs.

2. Plot Below Vidilica: Once an abandoned area, this plot has been transformed by self-organized citizens into an alternative city park. It is now a vibrant social space, complete with benches and water features.

3. Square in Front of Dalma: This urban square has been revitalized with the addition of trees, benches, and a small urban orchard, offering a green oasis in the heart of the city.

These initiatives are shining examples of how communities can come together to create and maintain green spaces that enhance the quality of life in urban environments. Split can indeed be proud of these achievements, which serve as inspiration for other cities looking to embrace sustainable urban living.

As we reflect on our time in Split, we are filled with gratitude for the experiences we shared and the knowledge we gained. We look forward to continuing our journey in urban permaculture education, confident that the seeds we planted during these three days will grow into something truly transformative. 🌿💚